June 2023— Wishing Ke Wen all the best as she departs the Dennis Lab ahead of starting her PhD program in the fall. Glad we used the good weather and the lab social event as excuses to get an updated lab photo! Grateful for every member of this team!

June 2023— Prof. Dennis enjoyed her trip to Vancouver to give a Keynote talk at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC 2023).

June 2023— Welcome to Allana Souza Pereira, a visiting PhD student from Brazil!

May 2023— Congratulations to long-term Dennis Lab undergraduate researchers Artemis Margaronis and Perry Katsarakes, who graduated with their BS in Biomedical Engineering degrees from Boston University this month. We appreciate all your contributions to the lab over the years and know that you’ll both thrive in your PhD programs!

April 2023— Congratulations to Yidan and Xingjian on publication of their paper Minimizing near-infrared autofluorescence in preclinical imaging with diet and wavelength selection, published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics. This paper systematically and thoroughly demonstrates the way that we can reduce the impact of gut autofluorescence in mouse imaging by changing the diet or the excitation and emission wavelengths used for imaging. We were surprised to see autofluorescence from alfalfa-based standard chow at wavelengths as long as 1100 nm, but longer excitation wavelengths (e.g., 808 vs 670 nm) helped reduce autofluorescence, and essentially no autofluorescence was visible at wavelengths > 1250 nm regardless of what diet or excitation wavelength was used. This information will help us and others design their whole mouse imaging experiments effectively.

February 2023— Welcome to recent NU ChemE graduate Ke Wen, who is joining the lab for a post-bac research stint.

January 2023— Dennis Lab at SPIE Photonics West! Great presentation, Xingjian!

January 2023— Welcome to Warisha Tahir and Mallory Moffett, who are joining the Dennis Lab for their PhD studies.

October 2022— Prof. Dennis gave an invited talk at the SHIFT: Spectral Shaping for biomedical and energy applications conference in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Thank you to the organizers for a great conference!

August 2022— Welcome to new postdoctoral researcher Yidan Sun, joining us from Nanjing University.

July 2022— Prof. Dennis gave an invited talk at the Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Very interesting conference with great discussions!

July 2022— Prof. Allison Dennis officially joins the Chemical Engineering Department at Northeastern University— happy to be here!!